January 09, 2011

The Plan That Works

[ A collection of writings by Rich DeVos & Jay Van Andel; Co-Founders of Amway Corporation ]

We believe Amway's achievement of the half-century mark demonstrates two things to every Distributor:
  1. Amway products are of proven quality.
The Amway Satisfaction Guarantee, a key feature of Amway's growth since 1959, is still with us today. Only the best of products, living up to and beyond their promise, could survive the best of time.

As for the Plan, by now we've seen dozens - maybe hundreds - of imitators come and go. Often billed a "just like Amway - only better," they try to "improve" on the Plan to provide greater benefits ... for the few.

History is filled with examples of the privileged forming "inner circles" at the expense of the "outsiders." The passport to the "inner circle" can be colour, creed, birth, position, or wealth... but it is hardly ever based on work. In fact, among the wealthy, inherited fortune - or "old money" - often has more status than "new".

But the Amway Plan - your Plan - is geared to reward the effort of everybody. The higher awards are obvious, but perhaps the real secret of Amway's success is that the Plan has always encouraged even the inexperienced beginner to advance, to put forth an effort, to become independent. Remember: the higher award winners of today were yesterday's novices.

In Amway, all this is turned around. There are no outsiders, the Inner Circle is designed for beginners, what your ancestors did is irrelevant, and work is the name of the game. When you work, you benefit.

We think that's fair. After 50 years in this business, it's apparent that a lot of other people think so, too. 

More writings by Rich DeVos & Jay Van Andel:

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