January 15, 2011

Keep The Plan Simple

[ A collection of writings b Rich DeVos & Jay Van Andel; Co-Founders of Amway Corporation ]
The Amway business opportunity can be made to sound complex, but it's really quite simple. "Here's a way to extra income, and here's how it works." And the more simple you present it, the stronger impression it makes ... and the longer it is remembered.
True, it's not easy. There's a human tendency to elaborate on the extras: the higher awards, the bonuses, the trips, the get-togethers - and the things that can help motivate you - after you've become a Distributor. But the more you talk about the future, the less you relate to a prospect who's wondering what Amway can do for him/her right now.

We've long known one expert who keeps it simple by "drawing the circles" on a napkin. He notes all the major points, too - all that's necessary to get the prospect interested in trying it out.

His method has other advantages:
[1] Convenient. It can be done almost anywhere.
[2] Personalized. He places the prospect's name in the centre ("You") circle.
[3] Reference. The prospect can take it with him (and he/her always does).
The fact is, our friend is a Crown Ambassador Direct Distributor, and has been for some time.

But then, maybe that's one reason he's a Crown Ambassador. He presents Amway as simple, easy-to-understand business proposition ... an opportunity that anybody can utilize.

And so can you.

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