January 16, 2011

Keep It Simple

[ A collection of writings b Rich DeVos & Jay Van Andel; Co-Founders of Amway Corporation ]

One of the main reasons for Amway's success is that it is essentially a very simple business. If all you want is an extra income, you only need to do one thing: retail products to your friends, relatives and neighbours. The more you do so, the larger your extra income. It's as easy as that.

If you want to build an independent business, you do one other thing as well: sponsor others and help them do the same.

That makes two things, and that's all there really is to it.

Of course, we strongly recommend you keep the two balanced by dividing your time equally between them. And, yes, it's easy to busy yourself entirely with related tasks: ordering, shelf-stocking, bookkeeping, publishing a newsletter, and so on. And as your business grow, another chore will be added: People will ask you to make speeches.

But while most of these tasks must be done, they do not all necessarily have to be done by you. We're always recommended that such jobs be delegated. Others can do them, perhaps better than you can, and even if their services are a business expense, you're further ahead. You've got a bigger business to afford it - because you're free to do what only you can do: retail and sponsor.

And as far as speeches are concerned, you might ask yourself how much the programme director wants a speaker (any speaker), and how much he wants you.

Keep it simple - and succeed.

More writings by Rich DeVos & Jay Van Andel:

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