September 27, 2011

皇冠大使 Crown Ambassador ~ Steven Lim & Angeline Lee



[1] 要投入!因為投入才能深入。很多人只是站在外面看安利,加入了又不願意投入,而後就一知半解的離開。

[2] 專注!不要輕易讓別人影響你在安利的方向和選擇。任何的行業都會有人成功,也會有人放棄。除非你堅信你的信念,你才能獲取成功!

[3] 保持活躍!多參加會議,並跟隨積極領導人的腳步。擁有了積極的環境,以及領導的經驗和指點,事業才能不斷的成長。

[4] 設定目標。不要遠離你的目標,一旦你的目標遠離後,你看到的都是障礙。堅定你的目標而且要把它視覺化,這樣才能為我們帶來無窮的動力!

[5] 自立而不孤立。要學習自立!你若能盡早自立,你就會提前成長。因為成長是成功的前提,而成功是自立的結果!自立並不是孤立,單打獨鬥的時代已經去。如要成功,就必須懂得互動,唯有互相協助才會讓你更成功。

[6] 培養好習慣。不斷與人分享安利事業和它的優質產品,當你常在第一線,你才會興奮并擁有動力!一旦慾望被激活,夢想和目標才會實現!

[7] 堅持再堅持;一步一腳印!不管遇上任何挑戰或挫折,記住這句話:“再堅持下去”!要成功就別想放棄!因為成功一定會有個過程,它絕對不是偶然或僥倖!所以成功往往都是屬於那些願意堅持到最後的人,永不放棄!堅持到底!只要你真心對待,成功一定會來接待!

Success secret

"What‘s the secret to your success?” I’ve been asked this question many times and let me take this opportunity to share with you my two cents.

[1] Make a commitment. Many choose to look at Amway as outsiders, they signed up but were reluctant to commit. Eventually, they quit before even seeing the full potential of the business.

[2] Stay focused. Once you’ve chosen Amway , don’t let anyone talk you out of it. You’ll succeed if you don’t give up and stick to your convictions.

[3] Stay active. Attend meetings regularly and follow the examples of positive-minded leaders. Their leadership, experience, and guidance will help your business to grow.

[4] Set your goals instead of drifting along aimlessly. Try to visualise your goals and they will turn into a powerful source of motivation.

[5] Be independent but don’t isolate yourself. Personal growth is the prerequisite to success and it comes when you learn to stand on your own two feet. However, that doesn’t mean you should isolate yourself. No man is an island, therefore learn to interact with people and help one another.

[6] Cultivate good habits. Never stop sharing the Business Opportunity and the products. Only when you put yourself on the frontline would you feel the excitement and motivation to make your dreams come true.

[7] Be persistent and take things one step at a time. Success never comes by sheer chance or coincidence; regardless of the challenges or setback, don’t give up halfway, but persevere, persevere, persevere!

September 21, 2011

回顾和愿望 ~ Looking Back, Looking Ahead


When our fathers started this business 50 years ago, they based it on the belief that it offered people the freedom to be what they wanted to be. To live where they wished to live. To support the causes they believed in. To explore the full and exciting range of their potential.


As the business grew, we all learned that the principles Amway was based on translated easily into many languages and transcended many cultures. Being rewarded in proportion to how much you do continues to be a universal language for people around the world. So we watched as Amway expanded country by country, territory by territory, city by city... person by person.


Our fathers often said to business owners around the world, "You are Amway." They always insisted on giving yo the credit that you deserve. And today, we share our fathers' commitment to you. We're so proud of you all and so grateful for you.

Steve Van Andel - Chairman of Alticor,Inc. & Doug Devos - President of Alticor,Inc.
Steve Van Andel - Alticor 机构主席 & Doug DeVos - Alticor 机构总裁
我们相信,包括Rich DeVos和Jay Van Andel两位创办人都一致认同:你们就是安利事业最强大的力量,而且永远都是!让我们一起为你们的成就喝彩,这是属于你们的荣誉。


Rich DeVos and Jay Van Anel were the founders of this business, but we think even they would have agreed that the real power behind this business is - and always has been - you. Take pride in your success. You deserve it.

Then and now, the things that make our success secured are great products... and you.

September 07, 2011

谁是成功者 ~ Who Will Succeed



You might also like:
[1] 我们的方程式 ~ Our Formula
[2] 我們對美好世界的承諾 ~ Our Commitment to a Better World
[3] 跨世代的机会 ~ An Opportunity for the Ages
回顾和愿望 ~ Looking Back, Looking Ahead
[5] 谁是成功者 ~ Who Will Succeed

[6] 展望未来 ~ Looking Forward to the Future
[7] 夥伴关系的承诺 ~ The Promise of Partnership

[8] 握手 ~ The Handshake

Steve Van Andel - Chairman of Alticor,Inc. & Doug Devos - President of Alticor,Inc.
Steve Van Andel - Alticor 机构主席 & Doug DeVos - Alticor 机构总裁

One of the great advantages of the Amway Sales & Marketing Plan is that anyone can participate. But do you know an even greater advantage? Anyone can succeed.

That's right. Anyone.
Conventional opportunities typically erect barriers for those who want to participate - barriers such as a huge financial investment. many years of experience or a specialized education.

However, here at Amway, we don't believe in barriers and stop signs. We don't look for ways to keep people out. Instead, we keep the door open for everyone who wants to come in. We welcome anyone who has a dream and wants to make it come true.

Essentially, we provide a pathway for anyone who wants to improve their life - something to always remember when you're seeking prospective Amway Distributor. Anyone and everyone is a potential Amway Distributor, not just that small select group of people who seem like they could be business superstars. Furthermore, not everyone wants to be a superstar. For many folks, success simply means earning a little extra income every month.

Just look at the many stories in the Amagram about people from every kind of background and how they've succeeded. Just think about how many of these Amway Distributor would have never started a business if their sponsor had assumed they didn't have the right "leadership qualifications."

The only solution, and the simple solution, is to talk to everybody. Because in this business anybody can succeed.

September 04, 2011

You Are a Businessman

A New York businessman dropped a dollar into the cup of a man selling pencils and hurriedly stepped aboard the subway train. On second thought, he stepped back off the train, walked over to the beggar and took several pencils from the cup. Apologetically, he explained that in his haste he had neglected to pick up his pencils and hoped the man wouldn't be upset with him. "After all," he said, "you are a businessman just like myself. You have merchandise to sell and it's fairly priced." Then he caught the next train.

At a social function a few months later, a neatly dressed salesman stepped up to the businessman and introduced himself. "You probably don't remember me and I don't know your name, but I will never forget you. You are the man who gave me back my self respect. I was a "beggar" selling pencils until you came along and told me I was a businessman."

A wise man said, "A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could." How do you see others? The greatest good we can do for anyone is not to share our wealth with them, but rather to reveal their own wealth to them. It's astonishing how much talent and ability rests inside a human being. Once we see it, we can help them discover it for themselves.