February 19, 2011

Uncommon Freedoms

The Amway enterprise is more than a business. It is an experience and a way of life unique in the modern America and the world. Controversial, fascinating and undeniably compelling, it has captured the interest of millions. What is Uncommon Freedoms?

There are many freedoms. The best freedoms are the most elusive ones - the ones for which the greatest effort must be made. Those are the freedoms of which Amway people most often talk: the freedom to be a full-time parent, freedom to share honest emotions unselfconsciously, freedom to trust and be trusted, freedom to work where the heart and not just the paycheck, freedom to be a hero to one's kid.

There are more tangible freedoms, too, of which Amway distributors dream: freedom from the alarm clock, the commuter-bus schedule, the nine-to-five drudge; freedom to live in that better house, in that better neighborhood; freedom to take the kids along when they want to go; freedom to play golf at St. Andrews & Pebble Beach instead of public golf course; freedom merely to pay the bills; freedom not to worry about retirement.

These are truly uncommon freedoms. Most men and women wish for them, dream of them, but never find a way to have them. Amway's extra-ordinary momentum and energy comes from the conviction of its people that they have found a way to earn those freedoms. One distributor puts it this way: "The best thing I get from this business is the freedom to look in the mirror every morning and know that I am becoming the person I've always wanted to be!"

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